
The structure of COPRO as a 'third party' guarantees its independence vis-à-vis the parties that avail themselves of it. COPRO's statutory objective also excludes it from itself being the designer, supplier, purchaser, owner or user of the products in relation to which it is called on or involved as such or from acting as a representative for these products.

The impartiality of COPRO is guaranteed by the constitution of its organs:


  • General Assembly
  • Board of Directors
  • Governing committee

To ensure the expertise and independence of its certification activities, COPRO has established several committees, including a supervisory Advisory Committee and various sectoral commissions.

The impartiality of COPRO is confirmed by the FPS-Economy and is audited by BELAC (Belgian Organization for Accreditation).

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee has the task of ensuring the impartiality of the activities of the certification body through, e.g.:

  • advice on the independent operation of the various sectoral commissions;
  • advice on the impartiality of the certification activities of the certification body;
  • advice on the objectivity and feasibility and reliability of the certification activities of the certification body;
  • advice on the identified risks and the measures taken with regard to impartiality and potential conflicts of interest.

The Advisory Committee is composed of representatives of all demonstrably interested and knowledgeable parties active in the sector.

Sectoral Commissions

A special sectoral commission shall be established for each Implementing Regulation, and therefore for each product, which is responsible for managing and monitoring the use of the COPRO or BENOR mark for the product in question.

This specialised technical sectoral commission deals with the technical aspects of certification, determines the rules to be applied to a specific COPRO or BENOR certification (by preparing and modifying the Technical Prescriptions and Application Regulations), and the desired level of quality for which the COPRO or BENOR mark must act as guarantor.

The sectoral commission is composed of representatives of all the demonstrably interested and knowledgeable parties in the area of the product in question.


  • the holder of the certification marks :
    • COPRO for building products,
    • COPRO.EXE for execution,
    • NTMB for for ecological and technical-natural materials
  • accredited by BELAC as inspection body (nr. 107-INSP), as products certification body (nr. 107-PROD) and as certification body for quality systems (nr. 107-QMS)
NBN sector operator - LOGO
  •  certified by OVAM for the sampling of building materials and asbestos in heaps
  •  recognised by SKAO as a certificate body for the system certification of the CO2 Performance Ladder  
Logo CO2 Performance ladder
  •  recognised by OVAM as certification body for asbestos and recycled aggregates
