BENOR and COPRO certification

  • Certification body: COPRO
  • Inspection body: COPRO
logo benor EN
COPRO logo

What is the product?

Recycled aggregates are a composition of sand and gravel obtained by pre-sifting, crushing and sifting debris produced at a fixed location or at a construction site and demolition yard.

Product applications

  • (sub)foundations
  • piling and replenishment
  • raw material for sand and aggregate cement
  • raw material for stabilised mixtures
  • hydraulic engineering works

What does COPRO do?

  • Performs a fixed number of inspections at the production location.
  • Random inspection of whether the producer is performing its internal controls correctly, is respecting its acceptance regulations, and is keeping its records up-to-date.
  • Taking samples at fixed intervals and randomly being present at tests.
  • Verify that production and monitoring is done according to COPRO-approved procedures.

How do you recognize a certified product?

  • The original delivery note intended for the client is the only guarantee that the delivered product was produced in accordance with the regulations.
  • This delivery note must refer to the relevant certificates and the 8-digit quick code of the technical datasheets (available on

What are the benefits of the certified product?

  • Use in higher-quality applications.
  • Trust in the structural and environmental-hygienic product quality.
  • The recycled aggregates are checked at fixed intervals by the producer. COPRO monitors this.
  • Supervision of the production process. This keeps the properties of the recycled aggregates constant.
  • In addition to the ecological aspect, mobile crushing on site also has an economic advantage for the client, and re-use of the aggregates on site is possible.

Sectoral Commission

President : Jan Desmyter (Buildwise)

Secretary : Michaël Van Schelvergem (COPRO)

Members : Frédérique Thewissen (SPW), Philippe du Bus de Warnaffe (PROCERTUS), Hicham Adli (BRUSSEL MOBILITEIT), Jean-Marc Aldric (SPW), Didier Block (Mobiwall), Krijn Ivens (DENUO), Margo Briessinck (AWV), Luc De Bock (OCW), Tom Mangelschots (Vlawebo), Jan Desmyter (Buildwise), Dino Henderickx (VSOR), Pieter Keppens (COPRO), William Martens (FARYS), Régis Lorant (SPW), Manu Van de Velde (LEB), Philippe Van De Velde (OVAM), Thierry Vanmol (FEDIEX), Michaël Van Schelvergem (COPRO).

Two meetings took place in 2024.


Want more info about the selected product? Contact a COPRO employee.

Michaël Van Schelvergem
Certification manager
Certification manager

Van Schelvergem Michaël

Certification manager