CE Marking / COPRO certification
- Certification body: COPRO
- Inspection body: COPRO

What is the product?
Aggregates from secondary sources are obtained by treating or cleaning waste materials (slag or bottom ash from waste incineration processes, foundry sands, railway ballast, aerated concrete, etc.) or by-products (slag or bottom ash from the ferrous industry or non-ferrous industry, …).
Product applications
This concerns fillers (for use in concrete), coarse aggregates, ballast and armourstone. They can be used in various architectural productions (concrete and asphalt) as well as in construction works (hydraulic works).
What does COPRO do?
COPRO certification covers all aspects of the “End-of-waste” phase where waste materials are validated into raw materials.
Environmental-hygienic conformity is checked in accordance with locally applicable legislation. These regulations are a coordinated version which, in addition to the requirements regarding construction quality, also includes compliance with Flemish environmental legislation. Compliance with VLAREMA and, if applicable, the raw material declaration is checked.
Construction technical compliance is tailored to the specific use of the aggregates in concrete and asphalt, among other things, to guarantee sustainable end products.
CE marking
For aggregates from secondary sources for which a harmonized EN standard applies, the certificate is only issued after the producer has complied with all regulatory provisions of CE marking level 2+.
How do you recognise a certified product?
- The original delivery note intended for the client is the only guarantee that the delivered product was produced in accordance with the regulations.
- This delivery note must refer to the relevant certificates and the 8-digit quick code of the technical datasheets (available on extranet.copro.eu).
What are the advantages of the certified product?
The Flemish regulations regarding sustainable management of material cycles and waste materials include a Quality Assurance System for secondary raw materials under Article 2.5. After ratification by Ministerial Decree, this system will require certification. The current COPRO certification is compatible with this quality assurance system.
Reference documents
You can find the technical documents and COPRO certification documents here.
Sectoral Commission
- Chair: Philippe Keppens (AWV)
- Vice-chair: Nele Van Roey (Essencia)
- Secretary: Robin Stockman (COPRO)
- Members: De Prins Koen (OVAM), Aldric Jean-Marc (SPW DGO3), Adli Hicam (Bruxelles Mobilité), Thewissen Frédérique (SPW- DGO1), Jacobs Kurt (Denuo), Luc Braet (GSV), Patrick Van Den Bossche (AGORIA), Eli Desmedt (Vlawebo), Willy Gosseons (GBV), Johan Horckmans (Probeton), Theirry Beirens (Fedbeton), Luc De Bock (OCW), Jeroen Vrijders (WTCB), Ann Van Gucht (Be-cert)