online magazine

Online Magazine

COPRO keeps a finger on the pulse.

How to develop future-proof road infrastructure? And what way of thinking and acting does this question entail? COPRO wants to open up the debate, but above all to also inspire and inform.

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COPRO Annual Report 2023

COPRO chooses the way forward towards a sustainable environment. You can read what we achieved in 2023 and how we see the future in our online vision and figures report.

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Asbestos certificate 

Since November 2022, an asbestos certificate has been mandatory when selling a home built before 2001. COPRO is responsible for the quality assurance of the experts who issue these certificates, and thus is contributing to an asbestos-safe Flanders by 2040.

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Tar-containing asphalt

In the context of sustainable roads, the Flemish Government decided in mid-2014 to permanently remove tar from the chain. This concerns in particular asphalt pavements with tar or pitch bitumen that will no longer be recycled in our roads. In order to have sufficient certainty about the disposal of the tar-containing asphalt, a choice was made for quality assurance via execution certification.


In addition to a good product, perfect execution is also necessary to achieve a high-quality project result. That is why COPRO together with various partners launched execution certification. The site gives you an overview of all execution certifications and their status.

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Technical datasheets

The COPRO EXTRANET is an interactive platform where all technical datasheets of products certified by COPRO can be found.

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MyCOPRO is a new portal that bundles all of our digital applications. MyCOPRO is an extension of the existing Extranet and makes it easier to consult all our digital applications via one login screen. Thus all information relevant to your certification is clearly displayed.