BENOR certification

  • Certification body: COPRO
  • Inspection body: COPRO
logo benor EN

What is the product?

Geotextiles are permeable, woven or non-woven fabrics that are used in combination with soil in hydraulic and road engineering constructions. The materials used to manufacture geotextiles are usually polypropylene and polyester, but also polyethylene, nylon and optical fibre.

Product applications

Because geotextiles are water permeable and have a certain strength, they can have different functions, depending on the type of textile: separation, reinforcement, filtration and/or drainage. The areas of application are: road and rail construction, earthworks, foundations and retaining walls, drainage and infiltration systems, waterworks, canal construction, ...

What does COPRO do?

  • 4 to 8 inspections per year at the distributor and/or production unit
  • sampling and attendance of control tests
  • review of production control
  • follow-up of complaints

How do you recognize a certified product?

  • Packaging: label with BENOR logo and reference to PTV 829
  • 8-digit quick code on the delivery note, based on which the product sheet can be found on the

What are the benefits of the certified product?

  • Confidence in the quality of the product and its compliance with Standard Specifications 250 (Flanders), Qualiroutes (Wallonia) and TB 2015 (Brussels)
  • COPRO has regularly verified that the delivered product corresponds to PTV 829
  • The client can spend more time on other tasks (installation, a posteriori checks, transport inspections, etc,…)

Referention documents

You can find the technical documents and certification documents here.

Sectoral Commission

President: Frank Theys (AWV)

Secretary: Kris Vandenneucker (COPRO)

Effective members: Frank Theys (OCW), Dirk Pereman (BCCA), Niels Tommelein (Infrabel), Bernard Matthieu (Infrabel), Wouter Spleers (Bontexgeo), Kenny De Wolf (Bontexgeo), Sandrine Bouquet (Beaulieu Technical Textiles), Steven De Maesschalck (Texion Geosynthetics), Nicolas Denis (Buildwise), Karin Eufinger (Centexbel), Jeroen Vercruysse (MOW), An Scheers (MOW), Philippe Schietecat (SPW), Marc Scheppermans (Aquafin) en Sofie Moorkens (UGent).