BENOR and COPRO certification

  • Certification body: COPRO
  • Inspection body: COPRO
logo benor EN
COPRO logo

What is the product?

These are mainly devices for covering manholes in traffic and pedestrian areas with an opening of at least 700 mm (PTV 880-1) and sewer parts and devices made of cast iron for water collection and drainage (PTV 802).

Product applications

Road covers, water receptacles, sewer openings, manhole covers, …

What does COPRO do?

  • 6 to 10 inspections per year at the distributor and/or production unit
  • Sampling and monitoring of control tests (tensile tests, load tests …)
  • Review of the production process and production control
  • Follow-up of complaints

How do you recognize a certified product?

  • On each product: reference to the COPRO or BENOR quality mark and to the relevant PTV
    • certification COPRO : based on (only) the norms NBN EN 124-1, NBN EN 124-2 and NBN EN 124-3 of NBN B 53-101 -> identification: reference to the COPRO-mark
    • certification BENOR : based on the norms NBN EN 124-2 AND the additional demands from PTV802, PTV 880-1, PTV 880-4, PTV 880-5, PTV 880-6 or PTV 880-7.
  • 8-digit quick code on the delivery note, based on which the product sheet can be found on the COPRO Extranet (

What are the benefits of the certified product?

  • Confidence in the quality of the product and its compliance with  Standard Specifications 250 (Flanders), Qualiroutes (Wallonia) and TB 2015 (Brussels)
  • COPRO has checked on a regular basis whether the delivered product corresponds to the applicable PTV.
  • The client can spend more time on other tasks (installation, a posteriori checks, transport inspections, etc,…)

Referention documents

You can find the technical documents and certification documents here.


Sectoral Commission

President: William Martens - Farys

Secretary: Kris Vandenneucker – COPRO

Members: Bart Stulens (Saint-Gobain PAM Belgium), Vincent Saal (Saint-Gobain PAM Belgium), Michel Vermeire (EJ Benelux), Olivier Bry (EJ Picardie), Stéphane Pirard (Fondatel-Lecomte), Hans Vercruysse (Fondatel-Lecomte), Jean-Baptiste Dechaumont (Fonderies Dechaumont), Didier Block (BFAW), Emmanuel De Sutter (INASEP), Marc Scheppermans en Dirk Jansen (Aquafin), Kurt Beghyn (SIRRIS)


Want more info about the selected product? Contact a COPRO employee.

Kris Vandenneucker
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager

Vandenneucker Kris

Certification manager