The COPRO.EXE-merk is a a voluntary collective mark of which COPRO is the owner, and confirms the trust in the execution of the works (EXEcute). 


 To make the difference with product certification, a separate mark was registrated:


The COPRO.EXE mark is a voluntary collective mark of which COPRO is the title holder, and confirms confidence in an execution (EXEcute). Other certification bodies use the same .EXE suffix for execution certification.

Read more about execution certification.


Execution certification can be requested by a contractor or executor of the relevant execution.

Applying for a certificate is done digitally, via our website. Here you will find all the AFD forms with which the application can be made. Under ‘Contact' you will also find the contact persons for each product. They will be happy to help you further.



Verbeke Ruben

Team manager

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