BENOR certification

  • Certification body: COPRO
  • Inspection body: COPRO
logo benor EN

What is the product?

Reinforcement mesh and metallic grids can be divided into two product types:

1) Metal reinforcement mesh according to PTV 867-1: net of hexagonal mesh formed by double twisted, braided steel wires with corrosion protection, with or without anchoring:

  • over the full width of the reinforcement mesh (continuously anchored),
  • over part of the width (semi-anchored),
  • or cannot be foreseen at all (unanchored).

The anchoring of reinforcement mesh determines the transfer of force between the reinforcement mesh and the bituminous paving or the foundation layer.

The manner in which the anchoring of the transverse stiffener is achieved is a free choice of the producer.

The choice of type by the client depends on, among other things, the traffic load, the road profile, …

2) Metallic grids according to PTV 867-2: grid with a perpendicular network structure of steel cord with corrosion protection, applied to a substrate (geotextile).

Depending on the tensile strength of the grid, metallic grids are divided into two types: “light” or “heavy”.

The tensile strength of a grid and therefore also the classification into the above types depends on various factors: wire diameter, tensile strength of the steel cords, presence of embrittlement points, …

The choice of type by the client depends on, among other things, the traffic load, the stability of the subsurface, the desired lifespan of the pavement, …

Product applications

Metal reinforcement mesh:

  • For bituminous pavements
  • Under crushed stone foundations

Metallic grids:

  • Tear-inhibiting layer with bituminous overlays

What does COPRO do?

  • 4 inspections per year at the distributor and/or production unit
  • Sampling and monitoring of control tests (tensile tests, corrosion protection check, …)
  • Inspection of the production process and production control
  • Follow-up of complaints

How do you recognize a certified product?

  • Per roll: label with reference to the BENOR certification and to PTV 867-1 (metal reinforcement mesh) or PTV 868-2 (metallic grids) and the 8-digit quick code, which can be used to look up the product sheet on the COPRO Extranet (
  • On each delivery note: 8-digit quick code, based on which the product sheet can be found on the COPRO Extranet (

What are the advantages of the certified product?

  • Confidence in the quality of the product and its compliance with Standard Tender Specifications 250 (Flanders) and Qualiroutes (Wallonia).
  • COPRO has regularly checked whether the product delivered meets the requirements of PTV 867-1 (reinforcement mesh) or PTV 867-2 (grids).
  • The client can spend more time on other tasks (installation, a posteriori checks, transport inspections, etc, …).

Reference documents

You can find the technical documents and certification documents here.

Sectoral committee

  • Chair: Philippe Keppens (AWV)
  • Secretary: Tom De Saedeleer (COPRO)
  • Members: Vincent Thibert (MBHG Directie Beheer en Onderhoud van de Wegen), Steven De Maesschalck (Texion Geosynthetics), Bart Beaumesnil (OCW), Marco Vicari (Officine Maccaferri), An Scheers (AWV).
Reinforcements of steel wire
Reinforcements of steel wire
Reinforcements of steel wire

Want more info about the selected product? Contact a COPRO employee.

Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager

De Saedeleer Tom

Certification manager
Kris Vandenneucker
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager
Certification manager

Vandenneucker Kris

Certification manager