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Elastomer sealing rings
Reclaimed asphalt for use in bituminous mixtures
Asphalt mixtures
Bitumen for road construction
Bitumen emulsion and flux bitumen
Tops in composite materials
Physicochemically cleaned aggregates
Safety barrier of in situ concrete
Steel safety barriers
Recycled aggregrates
Mastic asphalt
Tree protectors in cast iron
Cast iron road materials
Synthetic grass/gravel tiles
Vitrified clay pipe systems
Hydraulically bound mixtures
Cold asphalt
Synthetic liners for manholes and inspection chambers
Natural asphalt
Natural aggregates
Road materials in natural stone
Polymer modified bitumen
Aggregates from secondary sources
Sorting centres
Synthetic pigmentable binder
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Certification type
Execution certification
Product certification
System certification
Asphalt pavement
Concrete pavement
Other pavement
Road markings
Road restraint systems
Sewerage and drainage
No result
Aggregates from secondary sources TRA 40
Aggregates R/CE2+ 20
Aggregates TRA 411
Application of a mastic asphalt for waterproofing
Application of a protaction layer in mastic asphalt
Application of mastic asphalt
Asphalt mixtures TRA 64
Base materials for road marking TRA 84
Bitumen and bituminous binders CE-marking R/CE 54
Bitumen emulsions and flux bitumen TRA 56
Bitumen for road construction TRA 54
Bituminous mixtures R/CE2+ 64-65
Cables-protectors, cable trenches and covers TR 107
Canal elements and embankment gutters TR 108
Cast iron pipes TRA 06
Cast iron road materials COPRO TRA 80 COPRO/TRA 80 BENOR
Cellulose fibers TRA 63
Cisterns for water discharge TR 105
CO2 performance ladder CRC 03
Cold asphalt TRA 61
Concrete barrel TR 114
Concrete kerb units TR 11A
Concrete manholes and inspection chambers TR 21-101
Concrete paving blocks TR 11A
Concrete paving blokc with split surface TR 11A
Concrete paving flags TR 11A
Concrete pipes TR 21-106
Crash cushions and terminals TRA 69-3
Disposal of tar-containing asphalt BRS 8049
Draining and perforated pavings TR 123
Draining pipes TR 104
Eco Tech building materials CRC 03
Elastomeric products TRA 32
End of Waste Wallonia (SSD)
Etablishment for sort out TRA S 10
Fillers TRA 12
Gabion TRA 68
Geogrid TRA 24
Geotextile TRA 29 + R/CE2+ 29
Glass beads and antiskid aggregates TRA 81 + R/CE 1423
Hydraulically bound mixtures - fixed unit TRA 21
Hydraulically bound mixtures - mobile unit TRA 21
Hydraulically bound mixtures - site work unit TRA 21
Joint fillers and sealants TRA 46
Ladders for inspection pits
Masonry units TR 21-001
Mastic asphalt TRA 65
Metallic reinforcements and grids TRA 67
Natural asphalt TRA 66
Parts for non-tested safety barriers from steel TRA 69-1
Physico-chemically cleaned aggregates TRA 17
Pigmentable binders TRA 58
Polymer modified bitumen TRA 55
Prefabricated concrete products ATR 100
Reclaimed asphalt for bituminous mixtures TRA 13
Recycled aggregates - fixed location TRA 10
Recycled aggregates - mobile recycling TRA 11
Restraint systems from metal and from precast concrete BRS 8004-1
Retaining walls elements TR 21-132
Road concrete TRA 50
Road materials in natural stone TRA 19
Road restraint systems from in situ concrete
Road restraint systems R/CE 1 69
Safety barriers from in situ concrete TRA 69-4
Safety barriers from steel TRA 69-2
Safety barriers from wood-metal TRA 69-5
Safety bumpers in prefabricated concrete TR 124
Shaft elements TR 21-102
Street funiture and garden products (13198 21-131)
Sulfer concrete products TRA 23
Surface treatments R/CE2+ 62
Synthetic grass and gravel tiles TRA 28
Synthetic liners for manholes and inspection chambers TRA 45
Synthetic pipes and connectors
Tree protectors in cast iron TRA 803
Underground infiltration systems
Vitrified clay pipe systems TRA 95
Water permeable pavement
Water permeable pavements TR 11A
No result
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Circular letter
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No result
Test method
Afl. proefmethodes 01.03 : Bepaling van de Atterbergse grenzen
CEN/TS 12390-9 : Freeze-thaw resistance with de-icing salts
CMA/2/I/B.1 : Metalen met inductief gekoppeld plasma atoomemissiespectrometrie (ICP-AES)
CMA/2/I/B.3 : Kwik
CMA/2/I/B.5 : Kjeldahl stikstof
CMA/2/I/C.2.2 : Fotometrische bepaling van het totale cyanidegehalte met een doorstroomanalysesysteem (SFA)
CMA/2/I/C.2.3 : Fotometrische bepaling van het vrije cyanidegehalte met een doorstroomanalysesysteem (SFA)
CMA/2/II/A.7 : Totaal organisch koolstofgehalte (TOC)
CMA/2/II/A.9.1 : Uitloging van anorganische componenten met de kolomproef voor bouwstof
CMA/2/II/A.22 : Vlottende, niet-vlottende verontreinigingen en glas op granulaire materialen
CMA/2/II/A.23 : Vlottende, niet-vlottende verontreinigingen en glas op fijnkorrelige materialen
CMA/2/II/C.2 : Bepaling asbest in gerecycleerde granulaten
CMA/3/B : Polycyclische aromatische koolwaterstoffen
CMA/3/E : Oplosmiddelen specifiek
CMA/3/I : Organochloorpesticiden, polychloorbifenylen en hogere chloorbenzenen
CMA/3/R.1 : Minerale olie met GC/FID
CME 01.03 : Détermination des limites d'Atterberg
DIN 1187 : Détermination des paramètres de perforation
DIN 1187 : Résistance au choc
DIN 8075 : Lenght variation after warm-up
DIN 8075 : Resistance to internal pressure
ISO 37 : Elongation at break
ISO 37 : Tensile strength
ISO 48-2 : Hardness IRHD-micro
ISO 48-2 : Hardness IRHD - N
ISO 188 + ISO 37 : Elongation at break after ageing
ISO 188 + ISO 37 : Tensile strength after ageing
ISO 188 + ISO 48-2 : Hardness IRHD-micro after ageing
ISO 188 + ISO 48-2 : Hardness IRHD - N after ageing
ISO 188 : Ageing
ISO 815-1 : Compression set
ISO 1817 : Effects of liquids
ISO 3384-1 : Stress relaxation in compression
ISO 8340 : Bonding strength
NBN 589-207 : Teneur en matières organiques
NBN 589-209 : Essai à l'acide chlorhydrique (Teneur en matières calcaires ou fragments de coquillages)
NBN B 11-256 : Teneur conventionnelle en matières organiques - Méthode d'essai à l'eau oxygénée
NBN B 15-215 : Water absorption by immersion
NBN B 15-238 : Bending test on prismatic samples
NBN B 21-101 + NBN EN 1917: crushing strenght
NBN B 21-101+ add. 1 + NBN EN 1917: Longitudinal bending moment resistance
NBN B 21-101+ add. 1 + NBN EN 1917: steel fiber content
NBN B 21-106 + NBN EN 1916: crushing strenght
NBN B 21-106 + NBN EN 1916: Ductility
NBN B 21-106 + NBN EN 1916: steel fiber content
NBN EN 124-1 : Load bearing
NBN EN 124-1 : Permanent set
NBN EN 196-2 : Carbon dioxide content
NBN EN 196-3 : Determination of setting times and soundness
NBN EN 459-2 : Calcium hydroxide content
NBN EN 598 : Ductile iron pipes for sewerage applications - Thickness of cement
NBN EN 598 : Ductile iron pipes for sewerage applications - Thickness of iron
NBN EN 727 : VICAT softening temperature
NBN EN 728 : Oxidation induction time
NBN EN 744 : Resistance to external blows
NBN EN 772-1: compressive strength
NBN EN 772-6: bending tensile strength
NBN EN 772-11: water absorption due to capillary action
NBN EN 772-14: moisture movement of aggregate concrete and manufactured stone masonry units
NBN EN 932-3 : Petrographic description
NBN EN 933-1 : Determination of particle size distribution - Sieving method
NBN EN 933-3 : Flakiness index
NBN EN 933-5 : Percentage of crushed and broken surfaces
NBN EN 933-6 : Angularity of fine aggregate
NBN EN 933-7 : Percentage of shells in coarse aggregates
NBN EN 933-8 : Sand equivalent test
NBN EN 933-9 : Methylene blue test
NBN EN 933-10 : Grading of fillers (air jet sieving)
NBN EN 1097-1 : Resistance to wear (micro-Deval)
NBN EN 1097-2 : Los Angeles - Resistance to fragmentation
NBN EN 1097-4 : Voids of dry compacted filler
NBN EN 1097-5 : Water content
NBN EN 1097-6 : Particle density
NBN EN 1097-7 : Particle density of filler (pycnometer)
NBN EN 1097-8 : Polished stone value
NBN EN 1317-1 : Road restraint systems - Part 1: Terminology and general criteria for test methods
NBN EN 1317-2 : Road restraint systems - Part 2: Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for
NBN EN 1317-3 : Road restraint systems - Part 3: Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for
NBN EN 1338: Abrasion
NBN EN 1338: Freeze/thaw resistance
NBN EN 1338: Tensile splitting strenght
NBN EN 1338: Water absorption
NBN EN 1339: Abrasion
NBN EN 1339: Flexural strenght
NBN EN 1339: Freeze/thaw resistance
NBN EN 1339: Water absorption
NBN EN 1340: Abrasion
NBN EN 1340: Flexural strenght
NBN EN 1340: Freeze/thaw resistance
NBN EN 1340: Water absorption
NBN EN 1367-1 : Resistance to freezing and thawing
NBN EN 1367-2 : Magnesium sulfate test
NBN EN 1423 - Annex A : Refractive index
NBN EN 1423 - Annex B : Resistance to the effects of water, hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride and sodium sulfide
NBN EN 1423 - Annex D : Quality
NBN EN 1423 - Annex E : Moisture proof (procedure B)
NBN EN 1423 - Annex G : Friability index
NBN EN 1423 - Annex I : Dangerous substances
NBN EN 1426 : Needle penetration
NBN EN 1427 : Ring & Ball softening point
NBN EN 1428 : Water content in bitumen emulsions
NBN EN 1429 : Residue on sieving 0,5 mm
NBN EN 1433 § 9.1 : Test methods for strength
NBN EN 1433 § 9.3.6 : Watertightness
NBN EN 1436 - Annex A : Luminance coefficient under diffuse illumination (Qd)
NBN EN 1436 - Annex B : Coefficient of retroreflected luminance (RL)
NBN EN 1436 - Annex C : Chromaticity co-ordinates and luminance factor
NBN EN 1436 - Annex D : Skid resistance
NBN EN 1744-1 § 7 : Chloride ions contents
NBN EN 1744-1 § 10 : Chemical analysis - determination of water-soluble sulfates
NBN EN 1744-1 § 11 : Chemical analysis - determination of total sulfur content
NBN EN 1744-1 § 12 : Chemical analysis - acid soluble sulfates
NBN EN 1744-1 § 15.1 : Chemical analysis - organic matter - humus content
NBN EN 1744-1 § 15.2 : Chemical analysis - organic matter - fulvoacid content
NBN EN 1744-1 § 15.3 : Chemical analysis - organic matter - mortar test
NBN EN 1744-1 § 18 : Expansion
NBN EN 1744-1 § 18 : Free lime
NBN EN 1744-4 : Water susceptibility of fillers
NBN EN 1744-5 : Determination of acid soluble chloride salts
NBN EN 1744-6 : Determination of the influence of recycles aggregate extract on the initial setting time of cement
NBN EN 1790 - Annex B : Ash content
NBN EN 1871 - Annex A : Coordonnées trichromatiques et facteur de luminance
NBN EN 1871 - Annex B : Hiding power
NBN EN 1871 - Annex G : Softening point
NBN EN 1871 - Annex H : Cold impact
NBN EN 1871 - Annex H : Heat stability
NBN EN 1916: Water absorption
NBN EN 1917: Water absorption
NBN EN 1926 : Determination of uniaxial compressive strengh
NBN EN 1936 : Determination of real density and apparent density and of total and open porosity
NBN EN 10218-1 : Steel wire - wire diameter
NBN EN 10223-3 : Tensile strength
NBN EN 10244-2 : Steel wire - Adhesion of corrosion protection
NBN EN 10244-2 : Steel wire - Minimal corresion protection
NBN EN 12224 : Resistance to weathering
NBN EN 12225 : Microbiological resistance
NBN EN 12371 : Determination of frost resistance
NBN EN 12372 : Determination of flexural strength under concentrated load
NBN EN 12390-3 + NBN EN 1916 : Compressive strength
NBN EN 12390-3 + NBN EN 1917 : Compressive strength
NBN EN 12390-3 : Compressive strength
NBN EN 12390-5 : Flexural strength
NBN EN 12390-7 : Density
NBN EN 12407 : Petrographic examination
NBN EN 12447 : Hydrolyse
NBN EN 12591 - Annex A : Penetration grade
NBN EN 12592 : Solubility
NBN EN 12593 : Fraass breaking point
NBN EN 12595 : Kinematic viscosity
NBN EN 12607-1 : Resistance to hardening RTFOT
NBN EN 12697-1 : Soluble binder content
NBN EN 12697-2 : Particle size distribution
NBN EN 12697-3 : Binder recovery
NBN EN 12697-12 : Water sensitivity
NBN EN 12697-20 : Indentation using cube or Marshall specimens
NBN EN 12697-22 : Wheel tracking
NBN EN 12697-23 : Indirect tensile strength
NBN EN 12697-24 : Resistance to fatigue
NBN EN 12697-26 : Stiffness
NBN EN 12697-28 : Preparation of samples
NBN EN 12697-31 : Specimen preparation by gyrator compactor
NBN EN 12697-47 : Ash content
NBN EN 12802 - Annex A : Solid content
NBN EN 12802 - Annex B : Binder content
NBN EN 12802 - Annex B : Identification of the binder
NBN EN 12802 - Annex C : Content of the pigments and inorganic constituents
NBN EN 12802 - Annex D : Titanium dioxide content
NBN EN 12802 - Annex E : Glass bead content
NBN EN 12802 - Annex F : Identification of the solvent
NBN EN 12802 - Annex G : Content of pigments and inorganic constituents
NBN EN 12802 - Annex H : Ash content
NBN EN 12846-1: Determination of efflux time by the efflux viscometer
NBN EN 12850 : pH
NBN EN 13036-4: Method for measurement of slip/skid resistance of a surface: The pendulum test
NBN EN 13074-1 : Recovery of binder
NBN EN 13074-2 : Stabilization after recovery by evaporation
NBN EN 13075-1 : Breaking value
NBN EN 13179-2 : Bitumen number
NBN EN 13286-2 : Proctor compaction
NBN EN 13286-41 : Compressive strength
NBN EN 13286-47 : Immediate bearing index (IPI)
NBN EN 13302 : dynamic viscosity
NBN EN 13369 +A1 appendix G: Water absorption
NBN EN 13398 : Elastic recovery at 25°C
NBN EN 13588 : Cohesion energy by pendulum test
NBN EN 13589 : Tensile properties by the force ductility method
NBN EN 13755 : Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure
NBN EN 13880-1 : Density
NBN EN 13880-2 : Cone penetration
NBN EN 13880-3 : Penetration and recovery
NBN EN 13880-5 : Flow resistance
NBN EN 14030 : Determining the resistance to acid and alkaline liquids
NBN EN 14066 : Determination of resistance to ageing by thermal shock
NBN EN 14157 : Determination of abrasion resistance - Method A (Capon)
NBN EN 14227-1 : Compressive strength (average)
NBN EN 14227-3 : Compressive strength (average)
NBN EN 14227-5 : Compressive strength (average)
NBN EN 14231 : Determination of the slip resistance
NBN EN 14769 : Accelerated long term ageing conditioning by a Pressure Ageing Vessel (PAV)
NBN EN 14771 : Flexural creep stiffness - Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
NBN EN 15326 : Density and specific gravity
NBN EN 16849 : Water content - Method using a drying balance
NBN EN ISO 148-1 : Charpy impact test (V)
NBN EN ISO 306 : VICAT softening temperature
NBN EN ISO 527-1 : Tensile properties
NBN EN ISO 527-2 : Tensile properties
NBN EN ISO 527-3 : Tensile properties
NBN EN ISO 787-9 : Chemical characteristics
NBN EN ISO 1133-1 : Melt mass-flow rate
NBN EN ISO 1167-1 : Resistance to internal pressure
NBN EN ISO 1183-1 : Density of non-cellular plastics (Part 1 : Immersion method)
NBN EN ISO 1460 : Thickness of the coating (for zinc)
NBN EN ISO 2505 : Longitudinal reversion
NBN EN ISO 2591-1 : Grading
NBN EN ISO 2592 : Flash and fire points - Cleveland open cup method
NBN EN ISO 2811-1 : Density
NBN EN ISO 2811-2 : Density - Immersed body (plummet) method
NBN EN ISO 3126 : Dimensions
NBN EN ISO 3838 : Relative density
NBN EN ISO 4892-3 : Resistance to UV radiation
NBN EN ISO 6259-1 : Tensile properties
NBN EN ISO 6506-1 : Brinell hardness
NBN EN ISO 6507-1 : Vickers hardness
NBN EN ISO 6508-1 : Rockwell hardness
NBN EN ISO 6892 : Metal - Tensile testing
NBN EN ISO 6892-1 : Metal - Tensile testing - Elongation
NBN EN ISO 6892-1 : Metal - Tensile testing - Tensile strength
NBN EN ISO 6892-1 : Metal - Tensile testing - Yield strength
NBN EN ISO 7389 : Elastic recovery
NBN EN ISO 7390 : Resistance to flow
NBN EN ISO 9047 : Adhesion / Cohesion
NBN EN ISO 9863-1 : Determination of thickness at specified pressures
NBN EN ISO 9864 : Determination of the mass per unit area
NBN EN ISO 9969 : Ring stifness
NBN EN ISO 10319 : Elongation at break
NBN EN ISO 10319 : Tensile strength
NBN EN ISO 11058 : Water permeability normal to the plane
NBN EN ISO 12236 : Static puncture test (CBR)
NBN EN ISO 12956 : Characteristic opening size
NBN EN ISO 12958 : Water flow capacity in their plane
NBN EN ISO 13259 : Leaktightness
NBN EN ISO 13431 : Creep
NBN EN ISO 13433 : Dynamic perforation test (cone drop test)
NBN EN ISO 13438 : Oxidation
NTN 018: Freeze/thaw resistance
prNBN T 42-113 : Déformation sous charge linéaire
prNBN T 42-113 : Détermination des paramètres de perforation
prNBN T 42-113 : Diamètre
prNBN T 42-113 : Résistance au choc
PTV 100+add. 1 + add. 2 + add. 3: Druksterkte
PTV 100+add. 1 + add. 2 + add. 3: Wateropslorping
PTV 104: Perméabilité
PTV 126 + NBN EN 1338: Tensile splitting strenght
PTV 126 + NBN EN 1340: Flexural strenght
PTV 126: Belasting bij 2 opleggingen
PTV 126: Perméabilité
PTV 126: Waterdoorlatendheid voor hybride producten
PTV 406 - Annex C : Essai de classification
PTV 803 : Load bearing
PTV 803 : Permanent set
PTV 812 : Solubilité dans l’acide chlorhydrique
PTV 817 - Bijlage B : Détermination des contaminants flottants, non-flottants et dépistage de l'amiante sur sables lavés
PTV 823: Bijlage D: Beproevingsmethode voor de wateropslorping
PTV 828 : Déformation
PTV 828 : Résistance à la traction de la jonction
PTV 828 : Résistence à la compression
PTV 828-1 §4.9 : Déformation
PTV 828-1 §4.9 : Résistence à la compression
PTV 854 : ΔTc
PTV 855 : ΔTc
PTV 861 : Aptitude au compactage
PTV 861 : Capacité de durcissement
PTV 861 : Résistance à l'orniérage
PTV 861 : Résistance au désenrobage
PTV 861 : Résistance indirecte à la traction
PTV 861 : Stabilité
PTV 861 §4.3: Korrelverdeling
PTV 861 §4.4: Gehalte residuaal bindmiddel
PTV 863 : pH
PTV 863 : Teneur en cellulose
PTV 863 : Teneur en fibres
PTV 866 : Pénétrabilité à l'aiguille à 25 °C
PTV 866 : Point de ramollissement
PTV 888 : Identification of the inorganic content
PTV 888 : Identification of the organic content
RNR 50-1 : Résistance au gel dégel en présence de sels de déverglaçage
SB 250 - Hfst 14 : 4.9 : Doorlatendheid drainerend schraal beton
SB 250 - Hfst 14 : 4.15 : Gehalte organische stoffen met waterperoxide
No result
Licence status
In trial period
In trial period with declaration of conformity
Stopped by manufacturer
Suspended by certificate holder
No result
Filter toepassen
3M FRANCE Tilloy-lez-Cambrai 498/84
AALST RECYCLING Erembodegem 1137-CPR-1828/10
AALST RECYCLING Erembodegem 1828/10
AALST RECYCLING Erembodegem 1828/10B
AALST RECYCLING Erembodegem 2240/21
AC MATERIALS Brugge 1137-CPR-0529/10
AC MATERIALS Brugge 2172/21
AC MATERIALS Brugge 529/10
AC MATERIALS Brugge 529/10B
AC MATERIALS Gent 1137-CPR-0543/10
AC MATERIALS Gent 2127/21
AC MATERIALS Gent 543/10
AC MATERIALS Heist-op-den-Berg 1137-CPR-0923/10
AC MATERIALS Heist-op-den-Berg 2228/21
AC MATERIALS Heist-op-den-Berg 923/10
AC MATERIALS Heist-op-den-Berg 923/10B
AC MATERIALS Puurs 1137-CPR-0902/10
AC MATERIALS Puurs 2108/21
AC MATERIALS Puurs 902/10
AC MATERIALS Puurs 902/10B
AC MATERIALS Vlierzele 1870/10
AC MATERIALS Vlierzele 1870/10B
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