COPRO attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data. This privacy policy describes how we protect your personal data and who you can contact for more information or to exercise your legal rights.

If you also provide us with personal data of third parties, such as that of your employees, or of the contact persons of the client and/or of the contractor, you must also inform those third parties about our privacy policy before providing us with the personal data of such persons.

1. Controller

The legal entity that processes your personal data is COPRO vzw. COPRO vzw has its registered office at Z.1 Researchpark, Kranenberg 190, 1731 Zellik. COPRO vzw is registered with the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0424.377.275.

In the following, COPRO vzw is referred to as “we”, “us” or “COPRO”.

2. Purposes and legal basis for the processing

COPRO processes the personal data of the certificate holders and their contact persons such as the administrator or invited user of MyCOPRO, and of visitors to its website for the following purposes:

a) The processing of personal data of the certificate holders and their contact persons (such as the person responsible for factory production control and the administrator or invited user of MyCOPRO) for the purpose of providing certification and verification services by COPRO, the communication with the certificate holders in the context of these services, as well as for legally required objectives linked to these purposes;

b) The processing of personal data of visitors to the website who request a batch inspection, of the contact persons of the inspection site and the construction site and of (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor, the engineering firm and the contracting or supervisory authority, with as goal performance of the batch inspection and communication with the relevant persons in the context of this service;

c) The processing of personal data of visitors to the website who request enhanced production control, of the contact persons of the construction site and of (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor and the engineering firm with the aim of performing enhanced production control and communicating with the persons concerned in the context of this service;

d) The processing of personal data of the visitors to the website who complete the contact page (“Contact us”) with the aim of answering these people’s questions;

e) The processing of personal data of the users of the MyCOPRO portal and visitors to the website for direct marketing purposes, in particular to send interested parties the COPRO newsletter and/or to invite them to events.

f) The processing of personal data of the client, contractor, intermediate storage location (such as the DIGITAR Client, DIGITAR Contractor, Intermediate Storage Location Certificate Holder and Intermediate Storage Location Invited User of MyCOPRO - DIGITAR) for the purpose of providing the certification and control services of COPRO, communication with the client, contractor, intermediate storage location in the context of these services, as well as for legally required purposes linked to this purpose.

In addition, we can make use of cookies on the website as well as the tools offered there such as MyCOPRO. For more information, please refer to the cookie policy (Cookie policy) published on the website and the cookie pop-up.

The legal basis for this processing is respectively:

a) The processing of personal data of the (contact persons of) certificate holders:

  • The need for implementation of the agreement with the certificate holders, and/or
  • The legitimate interest pursued by us and by the certificate holders to organise the implementation of our services and to communicate with each other concerning this. In view of the limited use of your contact details, we believe that your interests or your fundamental privacy rights do not outweigh the aforementioned interest. If you do not agree with this assessment, we request that you let us know (see Part 8 below).

b) For the processing of personal data of visitors to the website who request batch inspection, of the contact persons of the inspection site and the construction site, and of (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor, the engineering firm and the contracting or supervisory authority:

  • The need for implementation of the agreement with regard to the requested batch inspection, and/or
  • Our legitimate interest in carrying out the batch inspection and communicating about this with the persons involved. In view of the limited use of the contact details, we believe that your interests or your fundamental privacy rights do not outweigh the aforementioned interest. If you do not agree with this assessment, we request that you let us know (see Part 8 below).

c) For the processing of personal data of visitors to the website who request enhanced production control, of the contact persons of the construction site and of (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor and the engineering firm:

  • The need for implementation of the agreement with regard to the requested enhanced production control, and/or
  • Our legitimate interest in organising implementation of our services and communicating with one another about this. In view of your initiative in contacting us and the limited use of your contact details, we believe that your interests or your fundamental privacy rights do not outweigh the aforementioned interest. If you do not agree with this assessment, we request that you let us know (see Part 8 below).

d) In the aforementioned cases (a through c) we may also process your personal data for legal purposes, namely in the context of our legal, accounting or tax obligations. The legal basis of the processing then lies in the corresponding legislation.

e) For the processing of personal data of the website visitors who use the form (“Contact”; “Complaint handling”; “Appeal”):

  • The legitimate need to answer the request that the visitor submits via this form.

f) For the processing of personal data of the users of the MyCOPRO portal and the visitors to the website for direct marketing purposes:

  • The legitimate need to (i) answer the request to receive the newsletter by sending you the newsletter and (ii) to be able to offer a better, personalised experience and to optimise the messaging and the services, among others by organising events. In view of your initiative in contacting us and the limited use of your contact details, we believe that your interests or your fundamental privacy rights do not outweigh the aforementioned interest. If you do not agree with this assessment, we request that you let us know (see Part 8 below). Each newsletter and/or invitation to an event also contains a link with which you can unsubscribe from the list of recipients.

g) For the processing of personal data of the client, contractor and intermediate storage location:

  • The necessity for the implementation of the agreement with the client, contractor, intermediate storage location and/or
  • the legitimate interest pursued by us and by the client, contractor or intermediate storage location to organise the performance of our services and to communicate with each other about such. Given the limited use of your contact details, we believe that your interests or your fundamental privacy rights do not outweigh the aforementioned interest. If you do not agree with this, we request that you let us know (see also Section 8).

3. The processed personal data

For (the contact persons of) the certificate holders:

Personal data:

  • forename and surname
  • telephone number
  • e-mail address
  • position at the organisation
  • language
  • where appropriate, data about the person’s interaction with COPRO through the website, through the MyCOPRO portal, through the services associated with MyCOPRO, through e-mails, etc.

Company data:

  • name
  • legal form
  • address
  • telephone number
  • VAT number
  • bank account

For the clients, contractors, intermediate storage locations:

Personal data:

  • first and last name
  • telephone number
  • e-mail address
  • capacity
  • language
  • if applicable, data about the interaction that the person has with COPRO via the website, via the MyCOPRO portal, via the services associated with MyCOPRO, via e-mails, etc.

Company data:

  • name

For the asbestos expert inventory:

Personal data:

  • first and last name
  • telephone number
  • e-mail address
  • personel certificate
  • training certificate
  • exam certificate (IBEX)
  • certificate of compulsory further training
  • diploma/C.V
  • OVAM personal ID

Company data:

  • address
  • company number
  • bank account
  • certificate number
  • process certificate
  • quality assurance system
  • professional liability insurance certificate

For the visitors to the website who request batch inspection, the contact persons of the inspection site and the construction site, and (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor, the engineering firm and the contracting or supervisory authority and

For the visitors to the website who request enhanced production control, the contact persons of the construction site and (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor and the engineering firm:

(i) applicant:

Personal data:

  • forename and surname
  • position at the organisation
  • e-mail address
  • telephone number

Company data:

  • name
  • legal form
  • address
  • telephone number
  • VAT number
  • bank account

(ii) contact person of the inspection site and construction site and (contact person of) the producer, the client, the contractor, the engineering firm and the contracting or supervisory authority:

Personal data:

  • forename and surname
  • position at the organisation
  • e-mail address
  • telephone number

Company data:

  • name
  • legal form
  • address
  • telephone number

For visitors of the website who complete the form:

  • forename and surname
  • company name
  • function
  • telephone number
  • e-mail address
  • question and the answer given to the question

For users of the MyCOPRO portal and visitors to the website who subscribe to the COPRO newsletter:

  • forename and surname
  • e-mail address
  • language
  • indication of desire to receive the newsletter
  • possible participation in events

And, when reading the newsletter:

  • device or application used
  • articles and/or pages that the person views or reads
  • time, frequency and duration of use
  • location data (approximate)
  • IP address

4. Duration of the processing and retention of data

For clients, contractors, intermediate storage locations, (i) (the contact persons of) certificate holders, (ii) the visitors to the website who request a batch inspection, the contact persons of the inspection site and the construction site and (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor, the engineering firm, the contracting or supervisory authority and for (iii) visitors to the website who request enhanced production control, the contact persons of the construction site and (the contact persons of) the producer, the client, the contractor and the engineering firm, the asbestos expert inventory :

We process your personal data for as long as necessary for our services, or for the period necessary to meet the legal requirements (including those related to accounting).

a) For visitors of the website who complete the form:

We process your personal data for as long as necessary to handle and act on your request. Thereafter, the data will not be stored (except in the context of other processing for other purposes as set out in this privacy policy).

b) For the users of the MyCOPRO portal and visitors to the website who subscribe to the COPRO newsletter:

We process your personal data as long as you have not unsubscribed from the newsletter. Thereafter, the data will not be saved (except in the context of other processing for other purposes as set out in this privacy policy). Personal data related to events will be kept for a maximum of 1 year after the event.

5. Recipients and disclosure

If necessary for the realisation of the intended purposes, we will share your personal data with third parties: 

a) We make some of our databases accessible to third parties who assist us in providing our services, for example external suppliers of IT and hosting services. They act as data processors on our behalf. The disclosure of your data only takes place for those purposes for which COPRO processes your data itself, and is limited to those data that the third parties need to perform their task on our behalf. COPRO ensures that they, like us, manage your data securely, respectfully and with due diligence, and provide adequate contractual guarantees for this;

b) The contact details of the administrator or invited user of MyCOPRO who completed a technical datasheet for a certified product will be published on that technical datasheet.

These technical datasheets and therefore also the contact details stated on them can be consulted by third parties as follows:

- Via the COPRO website, by every visitor;

- Through an external, central system not managed by COPRO.

COPRO distributes the technical datasheets in this way in the interest of the certificate holders. 

The aforementioned disclosure of personal data is a necessary consequence of the status of administrator or invited user. If the relevant contact person of the certificate holder opposes such disclosure, he or she may not remain an administrator or invited user. The certificate holder must then present another contact person for the relevant technical datasheets.

c) The contact data of the client, contractor, intermediate storage location of MyCOPRO – DIGITAR who have completed a certificate for the disposal of tar-containing asphalt for thermal cleaning, are published on the project datasheet and on the accompanying certificate.

This certificate and therefore also the contact details stated on it can be consulted by third parties as follows:

- via the MyCOPRO portal - DIGITAR;

- via distribution, by a user who has access to the MyCOPRO portal - DIGITAR, through an external, central system not managed by COPRO.

In this way, COPRO distributes the certificates in the interest of clients, contractors and intermediate storage locations.

The aforementioned disclosure of personal data is a necessary consequence of the status of client, contractor and intermediate storage location. If the contact person concerned opposes this disclosure, he or she cannot retain the status of client, contractor or intermediate storage location. Another contact person must then be presented for the project and the certificate.

6. Your rights regarding data processing

You have a number of legal rights with regard to the processing of your personal data by COPRO:

  • You have the right to request access to your personal data and have it rectified.
  • You can ask COPRO to delete your personal data or to restrict its processing.
  • If the processing is based on the legal basis of a legitimate interest, you have the right to object to the processing.
  • Insofar as the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • You can request receipt of the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and its transfer to another controller.

We will process your request and answer you within 1 month of receipt. If we are unable to comply with your request for any reason, we will inform you of the reason. If we are unable to identify you with certainty, we may ask you to provide proof of your identity as a prerequisite to fulfilment of your request.

7. Security of your personal data

COPRO does everything within its power to protect personal data and privacy. COPRO staff is trained to handle confidential data correctly and are bound by a contractual confidentiality obligation.

Moreover, various technical measures are used to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, unauthorised use as well as loss or theft of your data.

If a data leak should occur with adverse consequences for your personal data, you will be personally notified in the circumstances provided for by law.

8. Contact COPRO regarding personal data

  • If you wish to exercise a right specified under Part 6, please contact us at the following e-mail address:;
  • If you only wish to unsubscribe from a newsletter, you can also click on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter;
  • If you have questions, comments or complaints about our privacy policy or the way we process your personal data, feel free to contact us via e-mail (;
  • If you have complaints about the way COPRO processes your personal data, you can also submit a complaint to the Supervisory Authority:

Data Protection Authority

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels

Publication date: 4/6/2024