
Digilab: simple communication of laboratory results.

In an increasingly fast-paced world where everything is constantly evolving, it is extremely important to work as efficiently as possible.

COPRO noted that considerable time was spent on exchanging test results between laboratories, producers and the inspection body, and on processing and evaluating these results. Moreover, this data sometimes had to be further shared with other parties. That is why COPRO decided to look for a way to make this easier, faster and more efficient. This led to the development and creation of Digilab.

First of all, a protocol was agreed on, in which all parties record how they exchange their data. Reliability and traceability were also examined.

Digilab is an online tool for digitizing data transfer between laboratories, certification bodies and certificate holders. Digilab makes it possible for tests applications to be prepared and sent to the laboratories in a uniform and digital manner, and for the results to also be received, processed and assessed in this manner.

On the one hand, the creation of requests for tests is automated by the inspector. On the other hand, the laboratory can transfer the test results to COPRO via an online platform by uploading xml files.

After the results have been checked by the inspector, the producer or supplier receives a clear form with all of the test results and assessments. This reliable tool therefore ensures more accurate and speedier processing and transmission of the results to the producer and client.

During the development of the program, several laboratories expressed their willingness to also be involved in this project. GMA and GEOS Laboratories were the first to exchange the results in xml format. Their efforts contributed towards it being possible to implement the initial tests and necessary adjustments very quickly. All their results have been transmitted via this route for some time now.

Other laboratories have now also indicated that they want to follow in these digital footsteps, with Servaco and Kiwa launching initial tests, for example.

Every year COPRO sends more than 5,000 test requests to the various laboratories. Application, follow-up, evaluation and communication are now faster and more efficient thanks to Digilab.

COPRO is convinced that the digital route is the only right one. In a subsequent phase, therefore, the test request will also be submitted to the laboratories in xml format.

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