The first steps in our digital transformation were taken in 2017. The website and application forms have been revised in the meantime.
And, the digital train continues to pick up steam this year.

Since March 2018, we have gradually been switching to the digital exchange of test applications and test results between COPRO and the laboratories. Applications for tests as well as the evaluation of test results now take place more quickly and more precisely. Evaluations are done automatically and the producer receives better information more quickly.

A number of processes and functions have been optimised and added to the COPRO EXTRANET. These simplify the modification of technical datasheets, making it is easier for producers to keep the almost 10,000 technical datasheets up-to-date, and ensuring that the client has the information he or she needs.

We involve our partners at all times in each new digital step we take, which guarantees that the results we achieve will be sustainable. After all, digitisation is a process we undertake together.

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